Kim Mosiman

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Why write?

My eyes opened at 3:15… my new time. It’s as if my brain couldn’t wait another minute to nudge me awake and begin the chatter that leads to the to-do lists, edits and homework.

Normally, I crawl out of bed and roll into the day. Lights on. Make coffee, feed the starter, tumble the clothes. Write random words. Read scripture and plan the day that I want. The day I want… a day of silence. Productive. Clear. Focused. Unburdened with other peoples requests. The day that rarely comes.

Today, I set normal aside. I lit a candle. Then another. And then one more. Write in the dark… see if you can. Look at the dark, leafless branches- silhouettes against the blue black moonless sky. Watch the steam from your coffee, against the flame as you ponder a memory that fluttered through your mind almost unnoticed. Clear the clutter in a room so dim you can’t read the words… pour your heart out without the ability to edit. Question the days that have recently passed. Celebrate the announcements yet to come. And stop. Stop when your mind is empty and ask “What now, Lord? What now?”

Close your eyes and listen. Let hope and opportunity fill the space where the words used to be.

Be Happy