Luck, Love and Magic Wands

Luck, Love and Magic Wands

This post is from the archives… a little bit because I’m starting a new journey… one filled with blog posts and pictures, podcasts and tears…. and I suppose a little because I needed a touch of love. I’ve spent this gray September day thinking about the “good ole days” and wondering how I ever let myself get so off track. This blog post, from October 2014, could be about me… I hope you find something good in it to fill your heart.

be happy… K

it's been an odd day.... rainy and cool- the perfect autumn snuggle day...unfortunately it happened on a Thursday that was full of plans.I woke up feeling distracted somehow, but went about getting ready for work. I was out the door a bit early to teach a 6am class, but got stopped midway by a train, moving slowly through the fog. I checked the locks, put the car in park and settled in to wait for it to pass. I was thinking about my far away friend, who's trying to get back on track and I knew she'd be heading home from her workout at that time. She's broken down her "evils" and planned to give up one a week for the next few weeks so her detox isn't so wickedly painful. I nudged Siri from sleep mode and dictated a text... "How's no salt going? Have a happy day" I dropped my phone in my purse, put the car in drive and really didn't think anything more about it. My friend is good about texting back  and I knew I'd have an honest update when she had time.

My friend is much younger than I, but we are kindred spirits....admiring the simple things and appreciating all of the wonderful people who have walked into our respective lives. She is wise beyond her years in all  things except how to love herself. She is exquisite, with a smile like no other woman I know- genuine and true and I know, even with miles between us, she would come to help me if I needed her....She has an old soul and the habits of generations before her.  I had a feeling she needed me- not because I'm anything special, but because we are alike... She's been in a bit of a funk....if she's feeling it now, there is a good chance I've felt it too. We're good like that :) I taught class.... a fun group at kickboxing this morning and checked my phone before I left to go back home. There was a message from my friend....

"Why is it that we have to always restart ourselves? It's so frustrating to me. I feel like every time I say to myself "You'll never detox being sad and upset with how you feel again. This is the last time. And yet it never is....."

Later, after my mid-morning class, I stopped to check emails before I left for an appointment..... An email from one of my longest members.... I met her in the fitness program I attended before I decided to open Goals. She was one of my first members- I'll never forget the joy in my heart when we put two and two together over the phone and we realized WHO we were talking to.... pardon my wandering- I did mention I woke distracted ;) She a wonderful friend- although we've never had lunch or shared a bottle of wine, she somehow seems to know the very moment I need touched. She sends emails that start with business and then end warming my heart... She's upbeat and has a delightful matter-of-fact sense of being that makes many early morning conversations worth having.  I hope she knows how thankful I am to have her in my life.

She's in a funk.... "I know what to eat, I know what I shouldn't and I know I need to make myself a priority....I just can't get motivated to do it...."

Off to get my sparkles covered and after a perfectly relaxing 2 hours with foil in my hair, I decide to check my phone before I headed back to work.... An email from another friend.  Another amazing woman, who has no idea how special she is.... she has a genuine smile and she's fully engaged in life- she locks eyes when we talk (I like that) and she gives and gives and gives to her family, friends and other members.... She's another young woman with an old soul- practical, feisty and loving! She couldn't attend our nutrition class tonight but felt like she really needed to be there...

"...I am in a funk. It's not that I can't stay on plan, but I don't if I don't plan ahead.......It's funny to me that this cycle happens constantly.... human nature maybe?!"

She hit the nail on the head.... through a series of texts and emails, it dawned on me that we are all the same... it doesn't matter if you're young or old, single or married, with teenagers or young kiddos, we are all the same. We let life tug at us and pull us off course. We, in general,  have amazing lives but we forget to take care of ourselves. I work with the most amazing people every day....people with their "stuff together"...successful parents & partners...successful in the workplace and in their friendships. Unfortunately, through accomplishing all of those other successes, we forget ourselves.....

....we forget that no one is going to get the best of us when we don't eat right, sleep enough or exercise.

...we're willing to skip all of life's truly essential needs to care for someone else, even when we know the price EVERYONE will pay.

It may be human nature to care for others before ourselves- but I think it's time to break the trend.

So..... I'm challenging all of you to start today.... For two hours a day, I'd like you to think only of yourself.... one hour is for workout, the other is to read, meditate, journal, plan & eat! I know you're thinking I've lost my mind, but the people you love deserve the very best of you and you're not going to find that person unless you get a little selfish with your time.

~Start with a detox.... I obviously have strong opinions about what that should look like, but if anything, rid your body of sugar, salt, caffeine, dairy, gluten and soy for at least one week. Detox to purge the bad habits and the cravings, not just to lose weight. ~After detox, slowly start adding in the good- one "take away" at a time, so you know what it does to you. One new food (group) a week & never every day! Don't fall into your old routine. ~Plan your food, not necessarily your meals. I have a ton of food "ready" but very little "done" the way it will be when it lands on my plate. ~Cheats (impulse off-plan eating) are forbidden, but treats (planned yumminess) are required :) ~Journal...more than food and exercise. Add sleep, water,  stresses and joys. Make it your "life log" and use it to identify your triggers BEFORE you repeat the cycle again. ~Along the way, read your journal...use it to create a life that's easy for you to live.

If I had a magic wand, I would give you the 2 extra hours in a day.... unfortunately wands are on back order.

Until it shows up, I wish you luck and lots of love.

Selfish Service

Selfish Service

I believe in unicorns

I believe in unicorns